In a recent article on Human Resources Executives Online, Cesar Fernandez outlined the many advantages that automation of on-boarding processes has for HR departments. Time once spent on the bureaucratic minutia involved in the hiring of a new employee can now be focused on the actual person soon to be employed.
Fernandez suggests that using software to handle workflow can free up HR recruiters to build a relationship with the new hire and ease his or her transition into the day-to-day work life of the business. Having a tool that can manage paperwork and make the initial vetting process smoother can be invaluable. It can also help in the actual selection of prospective workers, saving the amount of resumes and cover letters recruiters might have to sift through and providing them with time to perform their other functions at a higher level.
But even “beyond handling procedural tasks, automation allows HR professionals to become change agents at their companies, leading the initiative of improving and strengthening corporate culture,” says Fernandez. The expedition of on-boarding can have a domino effect throughout the rest of the company and lead to greater productivity as a whole.
The perks to using an automated software in your HR operations are obvious, but how exactly do you go about making such a change in your own office?
HR Software Solutions can assist your HR software selection, implement that software and ensure it performs the duties you need it to. We can also evaluate your existing HR software, recommend changes and incorporate those suggestions into your current system. Whatever your HR software needs may be, HR Software Solutions has the people and expertise to address them to your satisfaction.