The last recession has been difficult for the American economy, but also nations around the world. People who are not able to make a living could be experiencing one of the hardest times of their life. Displaced youths between ages 15 through 24 specifically have much higher stakes – if they remain unemployed for many years, they never get the skills they need to fill positions of older employees.
A study from the United Nations’ International Labor Organization (ILO) explains a startling result: international youth unemployment is at 12.6 percent, almost double the American unemployment rate. Even though the study takes into account those who are of working age, but cannot work due to circumstances like school, these figures can be quite troublesome.
For example, Spain and Greece are experiencing severe economic hardships where more than 50 percent of the youths were out of work in 2012.
“It is not a good time to be a young person looking for a job,” ILO’s Theodore Sparreboom said in one of the organization’s videos.
Companies in the United States can play a leadership role in solving this problem by promoting the use of HR software solutions. Teaching foreign businesses about the benefits of these programs can significantly reduce the pressure that 73 million job seekers feel daily.
Through the support of HR software solutions, human resources can scan through resumes and applications faster than using the plain eye. In fact, as more recruiters utilize these programs in conjunction with searches on social networking websites, the hiring process has gone much faster.