One important task that is part of HR project management is handling employee’s retirement plans. It has been reported that recently many Americans have not been able to retire on time. However, this may not be a bad thing, according to a recent study reported by Marilynn Marchione in an article from USA Today.
Apparently people who work into older ages have a better chance at fighting off dementia. Lengthening the period of time spent in the work force enables you to keep your brain power in shape. The social, physical and mental activities that occur on the job contribute to Alzheimer’s prevention.
Marchione discussed the phenomenon with French scientist Carole Dufouil, who works on Alzheimer’s studies with the government research agency INSERM. Although the disease is incurable and little is known about its causes, Dufouil found in her intensive studies that keeping an active mind by working later in life can reduce risks.
“For each additional year of work, the risk of getting dementia is reduced by 3.2[percent],” Dufouil stated.
The study examined the records of 429,000 French workers to compare their health statuses with active and retired people at various ages.
Planning retirement brings many uncertainties in a person’s life as they decide what the best options are for financing their futures. No matter how long an employee decides to remain in their position, having reliable retirement options is important for their well-being. HR software solutions can make the retirement planning process run smoothly.