When an entire industry faces a labor shortage, implementing a new HR system for recruiting may be necessary to launch an effective campaign. Certainly, the more industry and company-specific one can be with their HR processes, the better, and in some cases streamlining the recruitment process will have a direct impact on optimizing hiring strategies.
Commercial Carrier Journal recently looked at the difficulties faced by the trucking industry in recruiting new workers, and the way analytics may aid candidate management. Not only does a fast and mobile-friendly recruitment solution make hiring move quickly, it also aligns with what many truckers who use connected devices and high-speed internet will expect.
Trucking employers have to be able to monitor candidates and evaluate their qualifications quickly to make an informed decision about placement. Conversion Interactive Agency’s vice president of operations, Dennis Veneklase, told the source that specifying the range of the job search is essential for creating the best match.
“There is so much data out there and ways that we can leverage it to get drivers that are a better fit for carriers,” he said. “You have to think much broader to remain competitive.”
A Fortune article cites data from the American Trucking Association (ATA), which recently identified a shortage of as many as 40,000 truckers throughout the country, with as much as 100,000 new workers needed to keep pace with the demands of the economy. Because trucking is essential for many businesses, the source says that this labor shortage may actually impact others, since almost three quarters of freight is dependent on trucking activity.
HR consulting solutions will recognize the specifics of an industry and help them find a corresponding HR system that is best for them.