One of the important responsibilities held by HR is to ensure a positive company culture and help build effective and productive teams. Doing a thorough job during the recruiting and hiring process contributes to the success of such efforts, and accounting for the way that employees throughout different ranks of the company will interact with one another is a consideration that cannot be overlooked.
Regardless of how well put-together teams are, one workplace issue all employees face is stress, and how to cope with it. The amount of stress workers are under will impact their ability to complete work, and to work together effectively. As such, it is in the best interest of HR and the company to address stress-related issues.
However, not everyone deals with stress in the same ways, and this includes employees as well as managers. In fact, research from the Workforce Stress: The Employer/Employee Disconnect, by Towers Watson, found that employees and managers look at the issue of stress in very different ways.
Forbes details that, according to the study, employers saw the three main stress causes to be a lack of work/life balance, not enough staffing and the fact that technology has made workers more available when they are supposed to be off the clock. Employees took a different view, noting that a lack of staff members was a cause of stress in addition to a lack of clarity surrounding the expectations of their job and not being paid enough.
In order for these issues to be effectively addressed, HR must have the full picture of what’s going on in the work place. This way, they can work with employees and managers to create a less stressful situation for all involved. HR software can help manage the critical details that go along with stress management.