Hiring a new employee is costly in time as well as resources. After taking the time to recruit and train a new worker, what happens next is essential. The onboarding process is important to ensuring that employees end up being successful in the role that you have hired them for and improving the chances that they will be committed to your company.
Despite the benefits of onboarding, not every HR department engages in this process. According to the Houston Chronicle, replacing an employee in a management position can cost up to 150 percent of the employee’s salary. However a successful onboarding process may help mitigate the risks of losing valuable talent.
According to an article in Forbes, Aberdeen group conducted a study that showed the first six months of employment to be a critical time for workers. It is during the first six months that employees will make the decision to stay with, or leave, a company.
HR departments can take measures to help increase the chances of retaining employees. Before the employee even gets to work, HR departments should be starting the process by making them feel welcome. This could include making a proper introduction to the rest of the company, as well as ensuring they have essentials like credentials to access the office.
For a worker to be successful at their new position, they need to have a solid understanding of the duties they will be responsible for. Training can help new employees learn their roles, in addition to having experienced workers help show them the ropes.
Your onboarding program could make the difference between an employee’s success, or possible turnover. HR software solutions helps keep track of the details needed to ensure the onboarding process is effective.